CWP ~ 8 final draft!!

Creative Writing Process  ~8  Final draft!!

I think I finally have the story where I want it!  Today I chose the second version with the non-linear timeline.  I felt it was more interesting.  So, the main changes I made today were with the "flow" of it.

I changed bits here and there, to increase the flow so it seems interesting enough yet bland enough too!  So you can compare them all and see how it evolved from the concept to the final draft here...   The idea, part of it anyway,  is to show turning a short story into a Short film. 

So, I will send it to my editor to fix up any errors (I tried so hard to find them all but know she will find some)  and then move on to the next phase!  I am also posting this over at No Film School on the discussions to see if any other newbie indie directors want to play too :p   If you can think of a place that might be interested, let me know! 

I think I left it bland enough that each person will visualize it a bit differently.  Plus, turning a story into a film requires some creativity too since you add your own stamp to it.  I hope others will give it a go, I hope it seems interesting to others!  

I mean, imagine something as simple as where you place a light can effect the mood even if we pictured the boys the same way!  Someone adding in the spray can of fog to create a cool mood vs. someone who decided to leave it out and add effects in post...  so many variations possible!  

I wont be posting my short film script yet, give others time to find this blog and decide they want to go for it too  :p   But I will be doing the 'behind the scenes' teasers and posting those here too!   I think I already mentioned them so until I get the first one done, this portion is on hold...

But please do leave any questions, comments, suggestions, anything!   If anyone does it I will add a link so we can find it easy.  I will be working on S'happens so might be just the random blogs for a bit, sorry... :p

Follow, share, comment and +1 me, you know the usual...





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