Movie Costuming

Movie Costuming

Some of you already know I am planning on making some movies to kick off my M TOMA Inc company.  The Bride of Sorrows is the theme and I am hoping to get masks made by David Groat!  Woot!

Here is his site for those of you not familiar with him:

David Groat

Not finalized yet, but I am hoping!  I hopefully will hear from my funders soon and know how much I can afford!  I will use the masks to build the rest of the "look"...

This is one of his sold images and art is always one of a kind, but this look I love:

This would be the "spirit guardian", a friendly protective friend type.  I think I will have one "mask" (full masked one)  then do just smaller eye mask versions for the rest of them.  Unless I can afford 4 of them, since that is the most that appear at once, I believe.

The color of the beading would determine the colors of the rest of her outfit I think...  The beader will use their own inspiration but ideas I like are:

I cant wait until I know the budget I can use for the outfits!  Man, I get very excited thinking of it all coming together!

I will update as things happen, but right now it is a whole bunch of hurry up and wait...

My first Indiegogo campaign fizzled out but I learned a lot and will do it differently!  I know now to ask for one item I want and then do stretch goals once it is reached!  So, then $500 camera, then if that goes well, the lighting kit, etc.   Baby steps to start but better to be forced to wait and have to think and organize it as best I can and try to plan it all out so one I do get funded I can hit the ground running!

hugs and take care!



  1. Until I can get some pics up, it is hard to talk about, right? So no worries about not commenting yet! hugs!

  2. Sea, pretty costumes for your culture.


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