Diabetes ~ woot, under control!
Diabetes ~ woot, under control!
Wow, I am thrilled! I had my check up today for my diabetes and I had changed from Metformin to a natural pill and hoped it would show good results, it did.
I am so excited and relieved! I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 at the beginning of the year and it was out of control. I forget the technical names but the one that is supposed to be around 6.5 or so was at 13.5 and the one that was supposed to be around 100 was over 400. I wanted a more natural medicine then the metformin and found one called Glycemic Health
from Mountain Rose Herbs:

My last blood draw I had done good, going from 13.5 to 7.4 and after 3 months of this I went down to 7.2 for today's blood draw. The doctor was extremely pleased and said she will recommend it as well since it works and I did not need to go to that clinic anymore since I had it under control. I am on 10 (is it ounces?? cc's?? ) of the insulin shot, was at 22, so doing good with that as well.
We have been what I call "turning Vegetarian" for about 12 years now. Except for the times we buy pastries or frozen veggie pizza and stuff from the store that has butter and cheese, we are mostly animal free. We do still eat pizza and have not tried the vegan cheeses yet. I was reading they have improved so much from 7 years ago so am willing to give it a try sometime soon!
So, it is a healthy lifestyle, I cut out the 20 ounce Mochas I was having around 3 times a week at least to once a month or so now. Think I only had about 3 this whole summer! That was hard, but needed to be done. Each time I had one it shot up my blood sugar to over 400 so I had to stop even though I loved them so much! So, much healthier for that! We finally got the treadmill. I am slowly building up my time, still not where I would like to be on it but taking it slow and steady.
So, I do strongly recommend talking to your doctor about it, first get the healthy lifestyle going since that is most important change you need to make. But after that definitely ask about this option. I am not paid for this by anyone. I had my ex-husband and father of my daughters who was diagnosed about a year before I was try it too. He would not take any of the medicines his doctor wanted him to so I told him try this and had him put turmeric on his foods as well. He had fingers that were swelling and now he looks much better. Always talk to your doctor before trying any of these kinds of things. He said his doctor was happy he was doing better too, but he wont take the insulin still. So, it is helpful, and a natural choice if you are looking for that.
Hope everyone else had a great start to the week.
Wow, I am thrilled! I had my check up today for my diabetes and I had changed from Metformin to a natural pill and hoped it would show good results, it did.
I am so excited and relieved! I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 at the beginning of the year and it was out of control. I forget the technical names but the one that is supposed to be around 6.5 or so was at 13.5 and the one that was supposed to be around 100 was over 400. I wanted a more natural medicine then the metformin and found one called Glycemic Health
from Mountain Rose Herbs:

My last blood draw I had done good, going from 13.5 to 7.4 and after 3 months of this I went down to 7.2 for today's blood draw. The doctor was extremely pleased and said she will recommend it as well since it works and I did not need to go to that clinic anymore since I had it under control. I am on 10 (is it ounces?? cc's?? ) of the insulin shot, was at 22, so doing good with that as well.
We have been what I call "turning Vegetarian" for about 12 years now. Except for the times we buy pastries or frozen veggie pizza and stuff from the store that has butter and cheese, we are mostly animal free. We do still eat pizza and have not tried the vegan cheeses yet. I was reading they have improved so much from 7 years ago so am willing to give it a try sometime soon!
So, it is a healthy lifestyle, I cut out the 20 ounce Mochas I was having around 3 times a week at least to once a month or so now. Think I only had about 3 this whole summer! That was hard, but needed to be done. Each time I had one it shot up my blood sugar to over 400 so I had to stop even though I loved them so much! So, much healthier for that! We finally got the treadmill. I am slowly building up my time, still not where I would like to be on it but taking it slow and steady.
So, I do strongly recommend talking to your doctor about it, first get the healthy lifestyle going since that is most important change you need to make. But after that definitely ask about this option. I am not paid for this by anyone. I had my ex-husband and father of my daughters who was diagnosed about a year before I was try it too. He would not take any of the medicines his doctor wanted him to so I told him try this and had him put turmeric on his foods as well. He had fingers that were swelling and now he looks much better. Always talk to your doctor before trying any of these kinds of things. He said his doctor was happy he was doing better too, but he wont take the insulin still. So, it is helpful, and a natural choice if you are looking for that.
Hope everyone else had a great start to the week.
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