Rum Raisin Cake

Rum Raisin Cake

Anyone know a good rum raisin cake batter recipe?  I wanted one in the style of "Kulich"  that we used to have at Russian Easter but not religious, if that makes sense...

For the movie I wanted to create a signature cake for the Attu village and was thinking a rum raisin one would work. 
Attu Basket
I was picturing some sort of piping to show the weaves and design like this:
David's Cakes Youtube channel

 I dont know, I so wish my talent matched my imagination!  Imagine the sides of a cake with masks like this and piping for the netting!

David Groat Masks
Maybe I am just hungry?  hehe...  Ohh though, I was having fun this last week trying to picture cakes.  I am not sure why it caught my imagination, but overdosed on Cake Boss!  :p

But my mind settled on the flavor of Rum Raisin.  I can remember my mom soaked them overnight and it always tasted so amazing!  Of course, half the charm was it was only once a year treat so kept it special!    But now I want to recreate that same feeling when someone buys an 'Attu cake'!

Not that I plan on selling any but I will have to show some for sale somewhere!  :p

In a good mood, hope you are too!  hugs!



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