Rise of porn in tv shows...

Rise of porn in tv shows...

Now do not get me wrong, I have nothing against sex between consenting adults, sex games adults play together, or that some people like to watch others having sex...  It is just that I would prefer you put it into special features or as a choice like we used to get to chose between normal or wide screen so I know it is possible...  do not force me to watch it...  that is not right...

Rarely does it interest me and my imagination can picture it much more exciting then reality...  sometimes it is done well, like in Hannibal season 2 I believe it was when there is a scene where there are the 2 woman, the annoying psychiatrist one whose name I forget right now and the crazy rich guy's sister...  that was well done and not explicit and fitted into the story well...

It is too prevalent in our society and most often does not fit the story but only provides a vicarious thrill...  If I want that sort of thing there are places I can go to find it, whether movies or games~ so that is not a problem...  What is the problem is when I can not escape it and there is no reason for it to be there really...  it becomes annoying!  and does not improve my feelings toward Western Society much...  :p

What we need is to let them know that we prefer the sex (and gore) to be optional instead of forced on us!  So, when you see a trailer or story that is ruined by out of place porn scenes, let them know that it should be as an option and not in the show...  I hear a lot of shows are good but I will never know personally because I cant get passed the forced porno thing...  do not rape me eyes, please!   Do not force that on me!

I quit normal tv ages ago, like 20 now and rent from Blockbuster ones I want to see.  It used to be it was clearly labeled with YRV so you knew it was porn and could decide whether you wanted to rent it or not.  Now you rent a tv show and you can find yourself watching grown men after little girls ~ugh!!

You are not powerless, you can stop this from happening!  Speak up!

hugs  ~Sea


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