Script Done, Now What??

Script done, now what??

This is about where i find myself, so ready to go but still lacking a good equipment setup.  I know there are many of us in this same boat too!  They say you can use your iPhone if all else fails and I am seriously looking at accessories for it...

Wow, but hope it does not come to that.  I decided that I would apply for a documentary grant since there are so many stories to tell here!  I planned on doing a show based on a short story I wrote for my daughters.  Or naming it after that story and it would be on all things Alaska Indigenous, focusing on Unangan.  So that is alternate plan b-12, hehe...

So, how do we stay sane while waiting for a break?  We keep busy!  It is too easy to fall into a slump when you see all the bad shows getting funded!  And crowdfunded too!  I am surprised at what people fund...

Network is the advice that makes the most sense! I went on Craiglist to try networking and got lucky my first attempt! 

I want to get a job at this place since I read it is a good way to meet people you need to meet in the industry!

Talking Circle Media

Gorgeous Anchorage AK pic

My equipment still consists of my iPhone.  I plan on saving and buying the journalist kit from another blog entry first.  Just to be able to carry it easily and go!  There is a series I want to do around town, just for practice, and post it on my YouTube channel.   There are a couple I want to do, so much in planning stages!  But I think it will help when I finally sit and explain the whole package to the people I wanted to fund me, that they will see I put a lot of thought into it! 

Keep active because it is really good for your well-being in general and for your creative process too! 

hugs,  ~Sea


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