New year, new Dreams ~ Same Me, Same Desires

New Year, New Dreams
Same Me,  Same desires

Oh, I can feel it, it is so close!  This is the year we go for it!  I am just buzzing with delight, have the ideas for stuff in my head and am so ready to begin!

Buttercream is a short that I plan on making this Spring.  There was a buttercream ruffle video I just loved to watch and it gave me a peaceful feeling sort of to watch it.  I have been wanting to create my werewolf film and wondered how to explain a character that does not appear in the movie itself.  I wanted to somehow do a buttercream video too so they merged in my mind.  I can see it in my mind and think I can edit it the way I want so it should be pretty good!  I still need to find the right mood music since it is a silent one, but other then that it is planned for this Spring.

 Cakes StepByStep is an amazing cake artist and I absolutely adore this one.  It always makes me feel like I am being hugged! 

S'happens is my new werewolf film that I just created a bit ago, not part of the Bride of Sorrows horror trilogy.  After renting American Werewolf in London, it made me want to see one set in Alaska.  Then it occurred to me "hey, you are a film maker and writer, do it!  Hehe, so I began but it began to drift away from what I think of as 'American Werewolf" and became a werewolf film instead.  But I think everyone who loves the American Werewolf ones will like it too.  With a cast of 8 it should be manageable as my first feature length film!  We bought special effect makeup to practice the looks and scars of werewolf attack, so should be a fun weekend!

 American Werewolf in London original trailer

YouTube playlists:
Frugal-ish is my YouTube channel idea that will be a playlist on my channel since I don't think it will have enough to be it's own one yet. My tribe lived and wasted nothing, that is such an amazing concept to me!  I really want to become this way, though it is hard when you were raised in the Western society!  but it can be found again, it is in my blood and so many others are frugal that together we can do it! 

Part of it will be growing your own food, using the city land plots!  How and when to apply, what to try, see how it goes over the summer!  It should be a good series.  Along with that there will be ways to save money, I am sure these are all already said somewhere, but it will be fun to do them anyway!  

Colonizing  Methodologies is an idea that should be talked about more, so mine will be called Proudly Prehistoric.  There I plan skits to show ideas and writing as well.  I think the problem we as Indigenous face is how to politely explain it is not ok to be doing this!  Talking about things that need to be talked about, but without assigning blame, but solutions!  Part is a fake reality tv show where we are finding one family willing to go back home.  It should be a good series, not hateful at all but honest and direct about it.

 This was my arty piece on my iPhone, after reading tons of advice for newbies, it made me laugh at some of the advice so this happened...  My Mayor of Attu novel is meant to kick off the whole Bride of Sorrows series, 1000 stories told in many forms!  So far it has my Motley Crue video I shot at their concert, the last ones ever...  so love them!  

Arts~N~Craftsy is one where I show the stuff we are trying, all beginning stuff so nothing major, but fun to share and see how much better we get over time!  I love watching certain ones on Youtube so this is one I do myself, sort of giving back the love...  

Behind the Scenes is where I plan to put the film related stuff.  I am sure I will be learning a lot (i.e. making a ton of mistakes) so will share the ups and downs.

You can see a lot of them planned but each one not really big so will keep them together so my channel is at least interesting and full rather then scarce...

I am planning on getting my equipment soon to begin, should be 'warp speed' once I get the equipment!  I am so ready!  

Ohhh, almost forgot!!  I am entering this contest and so should you if you have a short planned!  

Short Film major prize 

 I will be entering my Vestiges idea!  It is a short story turned tv series that I plan to do soon too...  part of the BOS (Bride of Sorrows) stuff...  I think it is important for us to put orselves "out there" even if we dont think we will win.  Or even ones we know we won but didnt  :p  where we loved the idea so much, it is important to try!  so, the deadline is end of February i believe, it says on the page, so time to get it together!  With $800,000 us dollars I could get the costumes and sets created for it all since this sort of begins (and ends) it all...

Ok, so I should probably head off and get some work done  :p  take care!  hugs ~Sea


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