Werewolf Film

Werewolf Film

I guess I dream big, my first plan was to get funded for a building, a boarding house, lots of cool equipment, special effects makeup school (a real life skill we could use elsewhere) and do the costuming and masks for my "Trilogy of Terror" to create a new industry for my people.  It would cost me around $22 million (in a combination of loans and several grants).  I believe I said my great talent and what should assure you is that I raised 4 wonderful good girls so am an expert at multi-tasking with limited resources.  Funnily enough, that did not inspire the confidence I thought it would...

So, I tried a crowdfunding, but since I never actually made a film before, it did not inspire confidence in my project.  I know once we get it shot and are in post we will get lots of takers, so I am not worried about that...

My next great plan was to do a documentary about my people, Attu tribe.  I thought I had a couple interested but there are so many stories to tell (which is tragic in its own right, but got mine passed over) so wondered, man, how do you get funded?

A lot of places have programs but also sell courses on filling out their forms too... you know, this $50 buck course to get you a better chance at our $50,000 grant...  uh-huh...

So I decided I will show my resourcefulness!  I will make a low budget movie!  The trouble was I did not want to turn any of my current stuff into a low budget version, like taking a 3-tier decorated cake and tearing it apart and turning it into cake pops...  Just no!  So I began to wonder what to write about.  It needed to be something that inspired me in some way.  Makes me think of that movie line in Moulin Rouge "Luckily at the moment, an unconscious Argentinian fell through my roof", hehe.  Inspiration!

I was watching American Werewolf in London again, great movie.  I always wished we had an Alaska version and then it occurred to me:  hey, you are a writer!  I am working on it and like my mind always does, it began planning a tv spin off series at the same time.  

American Werewolf in London, classic werewolf movie!

So, I plan to shoot S'happens this summer along with the webisode shorts to garner interest in a tv version of it...  Now this one if it takes off I would be willing to sell, I plan on keeping all my other stuff, would rather it not get done then done badly!  I think people will like it.  I asked a few people if they are interested in trying it out and they are thinking about it.  If I end up doing the tv version I would keep them, if we sell it then they will have to see what the other party says...  But of they find they like acting, we can create a show ourselves!  

A good transformation scene is needed I think...

S'happens will be fun to shoot.  They said to look at what you actually have and write it around that.  So a lot is set close to a forest or in a forest and I will see if I can afford shooting in Anchorage.  There are some cool places I would love to have my werewolf run through!   

American Werewolf In Paris, good film, reflected "Gay Paree"

I kept the cast small and each roll is interesting for an actor to play.  I am not worried if they never acted before, we will all be new to this.  What will be fun is learning it together.

ut oh!!!

So I made sure to make it "do-able...

 It is just hard, the waiting to shoot until the weather clears...  I might try for some of the special effects now.  I will see how it goes.  I plan a cool transition scene, every werewolf movie needs at least to show some part transforming!  

So, look forward to getting more actual pics of my work, coming soon!  





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