Werewolf film Revisited

Werewolf Film Revisited...

I need better audio!

 Rode Microphone from B&H

I wanted to make a cool intro for this blog and my Youtube channel but my audio is so bad!  So, I will upgrade that and get one posted soon!

For the werewolf movie, I plan to film a scene for crowdfunding!  I think it will generate some interest, if not cash...  But once we get it shot and am in post-production, I bet we get some funding then!  

It is hard to create something separate from my other works!  Those are designed to all tie together somehow and this one is a one-off...  Of course, I am writing a webisode to hopefully turn into a tv series some day...  But creating something "new" has been a good experience for me. 

It seems to be happening very quickly and very slowly at the same time.  How I want it all right this moment but filming wouldn't happen until Summer anyway!   I figured out how to do some of the stunts, too!  I am having such fun!  It is fun to see it inspire my daughters too!  

Side Note:  Never use 'auto-correct' on your word processing!  Makes you an extremely bad typist and you do not notice it happening!  I have picked up some bad habits!  A bit off topic but going back to correct typos and such is driving me crazy at the moment  :p  

I do tend to write these more informal and "chatty" and they should not reflect my script/novel writing as it is a totally different thing (at least in my mind).

But I am hoping I get some funding for this movie.  It will make doing the others much, much easier!  I cant wait though, I think it will definitely interest everyone in our other projects!  

What is your dream?  Are you chasing after it with all you got?  If not, then start right this moment!  I know that sometimes a dream can be something special that helps get us through a rough spot, but it can be so much more!  It is an amazing feeling, truly, to be working to make your dream come true.

You think it might change everything, but that is no reason to hesitate!  Change happens anyway, whether we notice or not!  (like with the typing!)   Even if you pursue your dream and find out you are making mistakes, it is how you learn best of all!  My first attempts failed miserably, that is for sure, but it did not deter me.  Instead it helped me realize I can do this!  Solving the problems is easy enough!  It seems the biggest one is "Money" but then you change tactics and plan "low budget" films to start off with.  

It helps prove I am a writer, in a way, I am making up scenes I never thought of all those years of dreaming about Bride of Sorrows!  Knowing I am not a 1-trick pony inspires me and gives me confidence to keep on!  

Things really seemed impossible awhile ago.  Funding was non-existent and there seemed to be no way to go forward.  I think I mentioned I conceived of a major thing that would be about $22,000,000!  It seemed so reasonable, well thought out and well reasoned to me but my would be Funders did not seem to agree!   I remember being so sad but then realized I can do this!  I just needed to prove it somehow!  then it occurred to me I could make a low budget movie...  Except I did not want to turn any of my present work into a low budget one!  

S'happens was born!  It would be an easy to film low budget to prove I have what it takes to create great films!   It seems so much talk and so much planning!  Luckily it is not a complete restart, I can still used all I learned already about film making, etc. and apply it to a low budget idea.  It is actually very interesting as a process too!  It is something I would recommend to anyone creative, no matter your age! 

Hehe, back to purple ink!  Me favorite color!  Hopefully it looks ok for everyone!  

I was playing with wounds and planning the "look" of the ravaged guy.  I wanted it to show it all but not be too much gore, I am still figuring it out.  How to show the details of it, to show the extent of the injuries suffered but not gross everyone out!  Psychology thriller not slasher movie!   I think it helps that it is old wounds so no dripping blood...

well, off to go write a scene, hugs and take care!



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