

My mood is so good right now!  We called to find out what happens if we go over the internet usage and lucky we did!  They put us on the new plan since we were still on the old one and instead of having to carefully monitor the usage over this next week, we can breathe (and browse!)  hehe

 For my low budget werewolf story, I am planning it so it is "do-able" as soon as I get my upgraded equipment.  I can picture awesome scenes but then need to remember that our fx skills are not that good yet.  So rethink a scene over and over until I can picture it still awesome but what I can actually do today.  But I think once we get it shot that we can crowdfund to get better cgi and someone to help us do it too!    But to be able to make the film I need to think of it as what I can do today.  

I kind of really like this idea, making it "low budget".  I think it is such a good thing I did not get my original funding since I learned a lot writing this script!  While I can picture awesome scenes I have to set them aside for a sequel or something when I have more resources!  But it makes me really think about a scene, I mean really think about it from every angle.  Being a small indie company we will need to learn it all since we will most likely be doing it all ourselves...

Lighting, will I be able to light it so it looks good?  I read it is one of the key things that separates "amateur" and "cinema" films is how good it is lit.  I kind of really love "lighting".  have you ever watched the tutorials on lighting a scene?  I find it fascinating and fun to watch.  How amazing is it that just by adding a white bounce board or a black board it can totally change the mood!  I wont post all of the cool ones I found right here but may do a post about it with links to the ones I really liked if there is interest.  And diffusion by adding a sheer white sheet?  I just find it so interesting and can not wait to get my equipment and experiment!  

Audio, I also read that viewers will excuse bad images because they will tell themselves something like "I guess they wanted it to look like that..." but if the audio is bad they will not watch.   The audio on my (very cheap) handycam is so bad!  But it was more to give me the feel of being a filmmaker then to actually film (hehe, can say that now, but when I was buying it I thought i would make a million short films by now  :p  )   But listening to it, yikes!   I really hate it when movies have bad audio, you know, where the special effects sound shake the house while their dialog is whispered almost!  Drives me insane, especially if they do not provide subtitles to help out!  

For the actually filming itself, wow, could go on and on for days about it!  I really do find it all interesting!  From planning the shot to actually filming, it is interesting to me!  I really wish I had gotten the courage to try this ages ago!  I hope to make sure our youth can get the chance to dream, study and film!   We chose to live in "isolation" and live a rich spiritual life and storytelling is part of our blood!  It can not be erased in one or two generations!  :p 

I was watching this video and felt so inspired:


 It is why I so want that camera.  Not that all my films are shot in darkness, lol, but that it can capture what I need it to!  My "trilogy of Terror" was inspired by what was popular on tv:  serial killers (Hannibal), zombies (The Walking Dead) and supernatural thrillers (Supernatural).  

It was interesting to me the thing that I ran into when first talking with some other Unangax was that they were freaked out by the "horror"  thing.  I guess they thought I would be all gore and porn like the modern tv shows seem to be.  I assured them I do not like gore myself so, no, only what is necessary for the films will be added.  And definitely not porn!    So once that was explained some interest grew!  I know once I actually get it all set up the interest will grow, especially after they see one!  

 "Sci Fi" version of my culture is what I am calling my theme Bride of Sorrows.  It is my culture "pre contact".  It is funny though since my mind is really focusing on the werewolf one.  Hard to get excited about my BOS at the moment!  too excited about S'happens and how it is turning out!   I am trying very hard to not just "crank out" a script, but trying my best to make sure the scene is awesome before I type it out.  I think when reading the script I should probably add in more descriptions but since i know I am filming it (like my BOS) that I know what I want  :p  

I am also so excited, finally heard back form the Unangax dancers!!!  woot!!  so excited!  Think first one is tonight!  cant wait!  so want to get involved and learn the culture!!  

I hope you find something that inspires you and go for it with all you have!!




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