Werewolf Kits

Heheh, tempted for practice!!  I was looking around to price stuff, have to remember living in Alaska can double the price of stuff... 

I don't see mine quite this way, but think it would be great practice!  I am thinking of creating a "werewolf wig" like in this one:

I think it would be so fun to make even if it might not fit for the movie  :p   Using it more werewolf style then dreads, but creating the wig looked so fun!! 

Lol, yes, the transformation scene is still on my mind...  I so wish I had mega talent and could create a full body one, would be so cool, but think I can manage a very good hand at least!  I am working on the story still, as to why we are more focused on the group of 5 then the whole werewolf...  

I cant wait for taxes to come in!  Want to buy some 'stuff" and play!  Can you imagine some people make a living doing this sort of thing!  maybe someday!  But I think it will be a good one more then a yikes one!  

But I think I can do the back of his hand wiping the blood from his mouth as it begins to transform...  thinking I can add some brown color to his cheeks and with the focus on his hand itself it could be like "bokeh" I think the word is, where nice fuzzy background...  So I wouldn't need to try to show his face transforming (phew!)  so think I can pull it off!!  

Still working on a "legend" of how 2 full moons in a row... thinking it will be a fun "short" to create...  Was telling my actors we will be doing a ton of filming once we get the upgraded equipment to get us used to it and to give us a more natural appearance for the films!  Not sure I will highlight them all, I am sure most will be interesting only to me  :p   But a few will be meant to show funders so...  hopefully they will be good enough to interest them!  

Anyway, just a quick "hi there' as I browse and daydream... Oh yeah: follow, comment, share, like and, ummm, forgot the rest...  






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