Film Editing 2...

Film Editing

I am having a lot of fun and learning so much!  Hoping everyone is trying the filmSupplyChallenge who is interested in editing!   What I found is it helps me to watch this guy:

He has a bit of an accent but is newbie friendly!

I am learning Premiere Pro but might switch to Sony Vegas instead...  Not sure yet..  I don't like having to subscribe to the monthly CC thingy...  I would rather buy it and update as needed and own it then rent it for eternity!  Plus I don't like the way it is going...  don't want it easily controlled and in a place others can hack in easier....  Not that I am worth hacking but still, would rather not have it all in one place and make it easy for them :p

I have my clips and music in order and adding effects now...Need title, color grading then done!!  I wish we had our own footage, kind of annoying that it is not exactly what I want but tells the story I want in just under 60 seconds  :p  I hate that is shows I am new at it, not quite the finesse I would want, but don't have all the footage I would for my story...  work with what you have and do your best, right??!!

Just a quick update!  I will have my funding by tomorrow!  It is enough to get the basics and get my low budget one done!  I am glad I finally convinced someone to give me the chance!  

May our Unangan goddesses bless you, my film angels!




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