Funny Dream…

Funny Dream…

Oh man, been playing a game called "Fallout Shelter" and have a love/hate relationship with it.  It is fun to play but gets frustrating at times!!

But realized I am playing it too much since I dreamed it last night!

Man, it was so real though!  I was there at an abandoned building and instead of a weapon all I had to do was tap the screen.  So weird mix of dream/game!  But the prize was a massive amount of special effects materials!  I had to try!  If I could win this, man, imagine what we could do!!  Could make the werewolves!!  the transformation hand!!  Just needed to win this game!!

It was so real, each room, each floor!!  It would get that sparkle to click on just like the game, lol!!  I was so thrilled and so tired by the time I reached the last floor to clear!  But I did it and was so happy as I saw the prizes I won until I realized it was a dream and woke up!

But for a few moments, that crazy happiness at having no worries about how to make the film!! 

We are doing pretty good, practicing techniques and getting pretty good!

Here we are trying to make a face cast, we ordered the alginate / face casting kit but it won't be here for awhile so decided to try using the old fashioned way with just the strips.  It will make at least one for us so we decided to go for it.  I guess it seems to be taking forever to get the materials.  But it is drying now and tomorrow it should be dry enough to pour in the plaster!  

I am also practicing making the wolf fur... we plan to order the crepe wool this coming week but are practicing with some filling material that is nice and fluffy to see how we should go about it…  

It is a lot of fun!  I always picture how it will be once we get the set up we want!  We will work our way there!  It is good to learn using what you have at hand since you may discover something incredible!c  

Hugs and have fun!  We plan to get some film uploaded soon but taking our time to make sure the final looks pretty!  



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