

Just keeping it in our thoughts and prayers and good wishes!  Even if you can't be there, like me, you can think of them and wish them well.  

I have no idea how to link a particular post on instagram so am copy/pasting it here.  

If you wonder if it will help, yes it will.  they try to hide behind the rest of America.  We truly need you to stand up and say "I stand with the Indigenous"!!    So many have lost my respect by pretending it is not happening and many surprised me by standing with us!  It is not too late to choose to do what is right!!  

Never loose faith or Hope.  It is kind of scary to watch it happen and wonder why the fed. govt isn't stopping it.  If they do this openly with us, breaking a legally binding "contract" they will do you next!  If not for us, then think whose stuff they will want next…  

Included is the tourism numbers for the states, and others, call at least 2 tomorrow!!  

so many good people wondering how to help and what to do…  keep standing with us, it matters!  hugs and healing vibes to all who need them!!




  • indigenous1492We need everyones help on this. PLEASE SHARE AND #REPOST. Make some calls. 🚫 ☎⬇#NoDAPL 💧#WaterIsLife 💧#SacredWater
    These are the states sending in "troops" to help defend big oil. It's already cost #MortonCounty $500,000 A DAY. MAKE PHONE CALLS, PEOPLE!Wisconsin -
    Governor: 608-266-1212 - Scott Walker
    State Legislators: 1-800-362-9472
    Tourism Dept: 1-800-432-8747

    #SouthDakota -
    Governor: 605.773.3212 - Governor Daugaard
    State Legislators: 605.773.3251
    Tourism Dept: 1-800-732-5682

    Minnesota -
    Governor: 651-201-3400 - Governor Mark Dayton
    State Legislators: (651) 296-2146, (651) 296-0504
    Tourism Dept: (888) 847-4866

    Wyoming -
    Governor: 307.777.7434 - Governor Matt Mead
    State Legislators: (307) 777-7881
    Tourism Dept: 307-777-7777

    Indiana -
    Governor: 317-232-4567 - Governor Mike Pence (Trump's VP)
    State Legislators: (800) 382-9842 (800) 382-9467
    Tourism Dept: 317.233.3261

    Nebraska -
    Governor: 402-471-2244 - Pete Ricketts
    State Legislators: 402.471.2788
    Tourism Dept: (402) 471-3796

    #StandingRockSioux #StandingRock #NODAPL #WATERisLIFE #SAVESACRESITES#nodakotaaccesspipeline @hillaryclinton @donaldtrump #america #worldseries#cubs #INDIANS


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