Getting the voice over done

Getting the voice over done

I am practicing recording my voice and reading the story for my first short film!  I will try to get a clip done and upload it to here so you can see a sneak peek!

It is really interesting and fun trying to piece it all together!  I realize the music I chose before I got the voice recording done is now all wrong for it…  I am trying to find the right bits so it is taking me more time then I imagined it would!  The whole short is under 3 minutes so figured it would go super fast and easy.  I guess because the reading of the the story needs to be just right that I am redoing it again and again  :p  

I dont think I sound the same reading it to the mic as when I read it to others.  I will try to pretend there is a person listening and try to create the exact intonations I do when reading it to a person.  I want to practice it and have a cool plan for a playlist series where I read to recorded images.  I have an idea for three prayers to read while showing images of Nature…  I hope I can do it justice!  

Just letting you know I am working hard on it!  I do have personal life things going on that make me sad but I should have it done soon!  I hate to see other natives hurting and feeling helpless to do anything about it!   Especially when they are Attu tribe like me!  We were brutally tossed aside by the same govt that we became POW's for!  Such a powerful story and one that I want to end in Justice instead of ignorance and betrayal!  But I am not good enough to tell that story yet, first I need to work on my storytelling visually!  

I can see it in my head and I think that is half the battle!  I just need to learn these programs and the sky is the limit!  My stories are not about hate or weakness but thriving vital people!  Creating positive energy for everyone watching!  Soon, I will have some up and running!  

My little craft room is stuffed so full that it is hard to get a spot cleared for the filming!  :p  but it is good too, that we now have a space to do it in!  With my Rokinon 50mm we dont have a follow focus thingy yet so we are getting used to turning it by hand as we do the scene…  lol, it looks pretty though!  I like the lens!  also, since we switched to recording HD instead of 4k we can use the other lens without the stuttering until we can get the external recording too!  

It drives me crazy that the everything is based on $$ and not even fairly!  If you are white you get loans easy up here but try being native and there are a million pitfalls to avoid and overcome!  they make it sound unreasonable that you want to own your own home instead of making them money by renting from them!  Greedy disgusting people up here, for us, the ugly American experience has just happened, not hundreds of years ago like they want to pretend.  We can look at the evil people who have done this to us!  Greed and hate toward natives did not stop ever!  

It motivates me to work hard to get my stuff up and running so we can become real people to them!  To show the beauty of our culture, even if it is only my sci fi version of it!  I know others will have better stories and by then we will have the equipment and experience to make it all!  

Such big dreams!  I do hope you are going for yours!  it is never too late!  I am just past 50 years old and finally finding the courage to go for my dreams!  before I kept them hidden so they could not be destroyed or stolen from me.  Oppression is an ugly thing but real and hard to overcome!  But our spirits are unbreakable and they can never touch them!  

Find your courage and go for your dreams!  It will be as hard as anything else in your life, but dont let that discourage you from trying!  it won't taint your dreams but make them that much sweeter!  Knowing you are fighting for them, that you are working to build them, it matters and feels good!

I figure so many others film because they love it and use whatever they have that I should not hesitate because I dont have all the toys I want!  lol, so it is coming!  I am doing the voiceovers and think I can get it to sound like I am reading it to a person instead of to my computer!  lol, things seem silly at times I guess…  but to the person watching it, they won't know I was sitting here trying not to giggle as I read it aloud, trying to put the mood into it!  

I hope everyone will like it, or not everyone as tastes differ so much, but that some like it I guess!  I think it will be good!  If I can make it like I see it in my head then we will have a good first short up soon!  Just wanted to let you know I am here and working!  




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