The Farce is almost Over! yeah!!!
The Farce is almost Over! yeah!!!
I am so tired of the ugly and fake western world! If you truly want to know how America was founded then please watch a video about Standing Rock. Peaceful indigenous having their land stolen by the insatiable greed of westerners…
And they want us to pretend it is all ok…
It is a huge slap in the face kind of insult that Trump even got this far, there is no going back from this shame! You will have to live with it forever because our memories are long…
When will westerners wake up and smell what they are shoveling at us??
No, you can not live on stolen lands and pretend otherwise…
No, you can not ignore us… Or rather, you can try but we will always be here, that beautiful ray of sunlight illuminating your ugly greedy selfish ways…
You hear so much about dont tar us with the same brush, but are you actually at Standing Rock? A few have gone to show support and that counts and matters! Those who truly can't get there are showing support by doing what they can, and yes, it matters and counts!! It will be an ugly endless cycle of stupidity until you wake up and accept the truth!
The indigenous of these lands are the only rightful rulers of it, everyone else is just a war criminal! No matter how much you want to believe you have the right to stay, you have to accept first that it is, has been and always will be indigenous lands!
Too much was made of it, that the indigenous here are barely human or not even human so "dont count"… Now just think about that, how ugly and wrong and stupid is that? And that is 100% Western, it is 100% on you!
It did not happen "once about 300 years ago" it is endless erasure of our culture, our identity, our lands and our resources! I was so proud to watch a video by indigenous youth trying to show westerners how to "be"! You can watch it here and let is inspire you to become a better person!
Yes, I do believe we are all "One People" but that does not mean I give you permission to live illegally on these lands and steal our "stuff"! You can begin by trying to understand what the reality of the world actually is instead of your insulated western fairy tale! Almost everywhere in the world people are suffering because of you, dear Westerner! Yes, you! Accept your part in all of this so we can finally move past that and onto healing the world!
I love modern things, but done in such a way there is no waste or destruction of our ecosystems! Yes, it is possible to have a computer, etc. and create it without destroying anything! Please, let us teach you how! If we demand it, they will do it, it is the power of $$ supply and demand. It is how your system works, all they care about is making $$, so you need to learn from us how to use that power!
I do believe the only benefit of this farce called 'election' is that many Westerners are waking up. Thank you for that! It is never too late to become 'good'… Please remember the indigenous in your prayers and/or thoughts!!
hugs to all who need them, remember not to live in fear, there is beauty in the world still and we will defend it!!
I am so tired of the ugly and fake western world! If you truly want to know how America was founded then please watch a video about Standing Rock. Peaceful indigenous having their land stolen by the insatiable greed of westerners…
And they want us to pretend it is all ok…
It is a huge slap in the face kind of insult that Trump even got this far, there is no going back from this shame! You will have to live with it forever because our memories are long…
When will westerners wake up and smell what they are shoveling at us??
No, you can not live on stolen lands and pretend otherwise…
No, you can not ignore us… Or rather, you can try but we will always be here, that beautiful ray of sunlight illuminating your ugly greedy selfish ways…
You hear so much about dont tar us with the same brush, but are you actually at Standing Rock? A few have gone to show support and that counts and matters! Those who truly can't get there are showing support by doing what they can, and yes, it matters and counts!! It will be an ugly endless cycle of stupidity until you wake up and accept the truth!
The indigenous of these lands are the only rightful rulers of it, everyone else is just a war criminal! No matter how much you want to believe you have the right to stay, you have to accept first that it is, has been and always will be indigenous lands!
Too much was made of it, that the indigenous here are barely human or not even human so "dont count"… Now just think about that, how ugly and wrong and stupid is that? And that is 100% Western, it is 100% on you!
It did not happen "once about 300 years ago" it is endless erasure of our culture, our identity, our lands and our resources! I was so proud to watch a video by indigenous youth trying to show westerners how to "be"! You can watch it here and let is inspire you to become a better person!
Yes, I do believe we are all "One People" but that does not mean I give you permission to live illegally on these lands and steal our "stuff"! You can begin by trying to understand what the reality of the world actually is instead of your insulated western fairy tale! Almost everywhere in the world people are suffering because of you, dear Westerner! Yes, you! Accept your part in all of this so we can finally move past that and onto healing the world!
I love modern things, but done in such a way there is no waste or destruction of our ecosystems! Yes, it is possible to have a computer, etc. and create it without destroying anything! Please, let us teach you how! If we demand it, they will do it, it is the power of $$ supply and demand. It is how your system works, all they care about is making $$, so you need to learn from us how to use that power!
I do believe the only benefit of this farce called 'election' is that many Westerners are waking up. Thank you for that! It is never too late to become 'good'… Please remember the indigenous in your prayers and/or thoughts!!
hugs to all who need them, remember not to live in fear, there is beauty in the world still and we will defend it!!
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