Water is Life

Water is Life

We have been waning to ty food photography and really late last night we ended up doing a photo shoot!  We wanted to do water in a glass to show support for those at Standing Rock!  

I havent made a light box yet so we just set it on the ground under an old shower curtain.  We used some black planks and added some rocks we have to make it feel more like water…

This one is trying to capture a splash.  I think if I had set my camera on a tripod it would have come out a bit better.  I will remember that for our next attempts  :p  This cup has what looks like drips so we thought it would really look pretty.  

Here we were just trying to capture a slight ripple in the water but hard to tell from the angle I guess…  But I liked how the rocks came out around it, we had clear, blue and some white plague-ish ones.

This one is a brass cup and in this pic I thought the handle was just awesome so cropped out the rest of the pic  :p  I love the colors in it, the sparkles make me smile…

This is not that same pic as above, though same cup  :p   her we tried to capture a splash again…

I have more that I took but havent edited them yet.  Just wanted to show what can happen in the spur of the moment really late at night when inspiration hits!

Support #nodapl #waterislife #indigenous




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