The Attu fiber Art Series

The Attu fiber Art Series

I plan on launching a kickstarter soon to help raise some money to buy stuff for my fiber art studio.  I recently began crocheting again and it has made me want to get more into it and create my own yarns!  

I plan on using the blending board to create what is called "Landscape" art…  I found 2 pictures of Attu by doing a Google search, neither are ones I took myself.  I am including these to show the color schemes a landscape could have.  I am not sure what people picture when they picture Attu…  I envision something like the second picture but in greens of the first picture! 

What I plan is to pick a landscape for "Attu", one for "Sea" and one for "Seal" using images found on Google most likely…

To create the image you put the fibers onto the blending boards, arranging them to try to match the color scheme of the landscape.  the lichen image above is a good example of it.  the extra fibers you have, such as dyed silk scrapes, would be added on top of the base colors.  You build the fibers up then roll them into "rolags".  It is just the rolled fiber that can be spun a couple of different ways.  

What will make the yarns I create myself different from the ones who buy the same "rolag" of the series is we will most likely not spin it the same way.  Variations happen simply by how you hold it and let it out, how much tension, etc.  So the one I spin into yarn will be unique from the rolags I will use as rewards.  So there will be 3 sets of rolags, 3 sets of my handspan yarn of the rolags and then a shawl I will crochet!

I opened an Etsy shop to sell crochet shawls using the store bought yarns since my daughters love the ones I have made so far.  the pictures are on my Etsy page but I will show some here too…  It is what I call a Snuggler meant to be worn at the computer.  It is about 1/3 the size of a blanket so a lot of work!  the price may seem high but it is crocheted with love, good wishes and prayers from this Unangan woman to you!  

I am excited about it.  I plan to buy a Schacht flatiron spinning wheel, hand carders and combs, a blending board, skein winder and ball winder and of course fibers!!  I am trying to raise $2,000 for it all.  It is such an expensive hobby!!  Most know I am a filmmaker and all my budget is going to that so little spare money!  I know a lot of other #indigenous woman around who are in the same position as me too!  Once I get an actual studio space I plan to share and work with other woman.  We hope to create a "Youtube" area where people can come make videos for their channel, an area for the spinning and weaving, an area for the photography!   so much that costs a lot and leaves us with the desire but no way to do it!  I hope to get a lot of those spindle kits for all the ones who want to try it.  I am not sure how long it will take me to learn it!  It looks like fun though and will keep us busy while we wait for the spinning wheel to be free :p

If you can't help out financially you can always follow me on here, my soon to be launched Youtube, instagram, and my etsy shop!  I am also on Patreon if you would like to support me there or just follow me.  I can't afford to help but I do follow a lot of people!  

go for your dreams!!  




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