200th blog post!

200th blog post!

Wow, I will do a special picture for it and add it to here!  woot, made it to 200 and here's to our next 100 posts!

Thank you for sharing my ramblings!

My kickstarter has a thing to show where the views are coming from so here is a link to go view it.  can you please view it and leave a comment?  The only interest I am getting is from telemarketers…  sigh!  

Please view and leave a comment!

I am very excited about it even though no pledges yet.  I heard from the local guild and it is an active one with many events planned for the near future so I am happy!!  Your help will make it easier for me, but do not worry, I will make it on my own too!  One of the first is called their 'fiber frenzy'  ~ no idea what that is but it sound fun and interesting!

I am ordering some fleece this weekend!  Not sure how long it will take to arrive though…  I am hoping before my campaign ends so I can show the progress I am making on gathering my fiber art studio!  

The local guild has equipment we can rent to test out the items before committing to a major purchase so that is good!  she also said many of the members offer their used wheels and stuff in the member newsletter so I will join this weekend and see what is available!  

This year is starting off amazing for me!!  I hope you are enjoying it so far too!  

hugs and love,



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