Lol, in good mood!

Lol, in good mood!

I added a reward to the kickstarter campaign of a felted bookmark handmade by me.  I can start them next weekend and hopefully have one to show before the campaign ends  :p  

But I am in a good mood!  I am so excited to get this started!  So many plans and things to do once I get it started!  I want to make an example of a costume and props for it.  I so hope it works out so I can get it the easy way  :p  but hard work builds character!    

This week we are filming an episode for my frugal series, that should be cool!  I am excited for my first short to be finished!  I think once it is done and people get a taste of my films they will become more interested and want more…

I was watching a fashion show of felt outfits and realized I can make some for my Bride of Sorrows movies!  They say to practice the basics before you try the more advanced ones so I will be making the bookmarks and trying out various ideas.  I wonder if I can make them half as pretty as I see in my mind!

What is super fun about it is it looks like a workout for your arms and I so need that!  :p

I so cant wait to get it now though!  making test sheets should keep me out of trouble for awhile  :p

I hope you are happy and feeling positive and good about this New Year!  You can do it!  go for your dreams!  

Keep the #indigenous in your thoughts and prayers!




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