More on fiber Arts

More on fiber Arts

I am so ready to felt my heart out!  Lol, cant wait until I can get all the materials I need!  I am going to try my hand at a skirt and vest soon!

I am doing it all in natural colors, nothing dyed yet, just to see how that looks.  I have such pretty dreams of it, not only felting but spinning it and crochet and learning to knit…  I dont know, it will happen, I am just always wanting it yesterday!  :p

I tried my hand at a skirt, except I guess i did not wash the lanolin out of my merino enough because it has some yellow streaks in it, yikes!  But I got some roasting pans with lids so next batches will come out perfect!  Course, now I need the fleeces!  

I am ordering some soon, about 19 pounds of it, that should keep me busy a bit!  I dont know though…  I really prefer washing and hand carding it myself to buying the commercial rovings, better quality control I think.  

But with my skirt, I am searching for the right material to use as it's lacey hem! I know what I am looking for so hopefully I will have the cash when I find it!  I think that is the hardest part of it all, that desire so real yet the bank account so empty!  :p  I know what I plan to do with it, I plan to wet felt some flowers for it, my first ride was to use th beautiful mohair I have but decided to switch that around and use the mohair for a scarf I think…  So plan some flowers for the edge and then some sort of silk lace-y lining.  It is not quite a wrap-a-round one, I am planning one of those next!

Ohhh, for that one, I am waiting for the silk stuff I ordered to come in!  I ordered a bunch of the natural undyed silk hankies (mawata) and some silk noil, also undyed.  The merino has some angora mixed in by hand by me.  But it will start out waist to floor length and shrink to about knee length!  It should be an interesting piece!  the inside lining is Sheland/tunis batt I ordered from The Woolery, I peeled a layer of it off and will use that as the bottom base.  I think it then can have 2 textures!  The outside will be the silky side and the inside will be the more textured side.  I hope it comes out as I picture it!

I still want to find a place in town to rent and use as my fiber art studio!  I dont know, I am not sure if I can afford it.  but I will be able to use this table at any rate for it!  I plan to move all the electronics far away and then can wet felt it.  It will hang over the edge a bit but you use what you got, right!  

It is exciting though!  I am not forgetting the film stuff, no worries!   I am writing up my second short and plan to get them both done this coming week!  I have my first short almost done and the second should go much faster!  Dont want to spoil the surprise of it but it should be fun and short!

Follow your dreams!  It will take lots of hard work to get there but so worth it!  I used to keep my dreams safely hidden in my heart, partly because I was in bad marriage and felt worthless and partly because it was my secret strength.  It is a million times better now going for it!  It is a great state of mind to find yourself in!  I hope you show this to anyone you know who has low self esteem and needs a bit of help!  it can be so hard and so scary at first!  that first few steps are the hardest but also the best you will ever take!  the first steps to freedom in your mind!  

I hope you all are following your dreams!  Love you all and please take care of ourself and each other!  Remember the #indigenous in your prayers!

Opps just realized I forgot to mention the beautiful dream I had!  I had moved with my family out to the country and I had merino sheep and some other sheep and made my very own yurt.  Oh, it was amazing!  sort of in the style of an Unangan house, mostly underground but the yurt acted like a tented roof to it and I had areas tunneled into it for bedrooms and all…  It was so gorgeous everyone wanted to buy it from me!  It was a sweet dream!  I had a fashion show because everyone liked my texture of my clothes!  I created a sort of basic dress like the "little black dress" but in natural colored merino  :p  It was a huge hit because of the texture of it.  My crowning piece was my flower one though… my hat was the stem and my arms were the leaves and the dress was like an upside down tulip or something with the inside colored subtly so when it was folded up to create the tulip shape it had a hint of color… it was pretty!  someday…  :p  




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