Aleut corporation does not want to hear from me it seems...
Aleut corporation does not want to hear from me it seems...
Wow, got blocked by my own native corporation it seems... Is that even legal??
Your message to couldn't be delivered.
The group TACDirectors only accepts messages from people in its organization or on its allowed senders list, and your email address isn't on the list.
Oh exulted ones, how do we communicate with you if you limit access???
ugh, really hard to feel anything but total disgust with westerners when this continually happens!!
You have actively harmed us!
It is by choice that you harm us even!
As a corporation supposedly set up for the #indigenous, blocking a shareholder should never be allowed.
#aleutcorporation #warcriminals #indigenous #Attu #Unangan
Here is what they were afraid to hear:
Wow, got blocked by my own native corporation it seems... Is that even legal??
Your message to couldn't be delivered.
The group TACDirectors only accepts messages from people in its organization or on its allowed senders list, and your email address isn't on the list.
Oh exulted ones, how do we communicate with you if you limit access???
ugh, really hard to feel anything but total disgust with westerners when this continually happens!!
You have actively harmed us!
It is by choice that you harm us even!
As a corporation supposedly set up for the #indigenous, blocking a shareholder should never be allowed.
#aleutcorporation #warcriminals #indigenous #Attu #Unangan
Here is what they were afraid to hear:
am curious why the age of receiving elder benefit check keeps raising.
I would like to remind you that "elder" is not short for "elderly and
retired" but elder as wisdom leader. Do not disrespect our cultural
traditions just because you choose to assimilate into the Western
culture where elder means old and a problem to be sent to a "home". You
can be as assimilated as you wish, but you can not force it onto the
rest of us!
usually lump you into the "war criminal" category because of the way
you just ignore me. Please do me the courtesy of a response (or do I
only get noticed when I mention how a white man may be trying to cheat
If that scares them so much that they feel the need to block me then perhaps they are not made of hardy enough stuff to be "directors" of #indigneous peoples!!
The elders receive a $500 check a year and to save themselves maybe $10,000 or so they raised the age to 60, it used to be 50. This sort of thing really burns me as they sure do not lower their salaries and benefits any to save us money!
These are our lands forever!
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