weird dream "My Werewolf Lover"
Isnt it weird how the scariest part of the werewolf dream I just had was that it was not terrifying!!
In this dream I cant see myself or my female roommate who is always right behind me for some reason. I can see her her huge ex boyfriend who looks like he could be a marine or fitness instructor. They shared one room and her friend had the other but when they decided to break up her friend switched rooms with the ex.
He still cared about her so wanted to make sure a nice, decent guy moved in since the girl I was dreaming I was thought a guy was better protection then a dog. He had already tried out several guys who were nice to the girls but secretly talked bad about them to the guy not realizing he really cared about them. So he had now been living in the other room for 2 months and he was having a hard time since he had begun dating someone new and could not bring her home.
The newest guy is the same height as the girls are and as skinny as them but it turns out he is decent and kind person. So the ex tells the girls he thinks this guy might be the one. This happens as the dream starts and you "just know" it the way dreams like that are. The guy is a very quiet sort, you can tell he thinks a lot but keeps them to himself. Our girl roommate kind of likes him so is always behind us whispering about him but too shy to say anything to him herself.
They wonder what he does since he just said he was a dishwasher around here. He looks sort of like that guy from Mr. Robot, slender type. In the way of dreams the first week passes quickly and they are thinking it will work out and her ex is making plans to move out. The place is a little blue house, raised maybe 3 steps up from the sidewalk so from the kitchen you look a bit down to the street. The main door leads directly to the kitchen on the street side and bathroom on the other side. The living room is long and narrow and the 2 bedrooms are long and wider then the living room. The other door is a french door type that leads to a tiny deck and down to the side street. It used to have lots of bushes but after a burglar scare she had them taken out and the new flowers are just beginning to flower prettily.
You can see that this dream is like a usual sort of werewolf one where it is calm so I was not worried about not being scared. One night what witnesses believe to be a real werewolf attacks a group of people walking home from a local bar. He kills 2 before they manage to drive him off. It is all over the paper the next morning. They are part of the newer "green" generation so dont have a tv so learn things by recycled newspaper still. No one hearing about it believes it was a "werewolf" since the group admits to being very drunk at the time. But 2 are dead as the "thing" tore out their hearts to eat.
So in the point in the dream (I somehow know when I am dreaming these scary ones to sort of record in my memory for when I wake up) I am mildly worried but not yet scared. That evening though as we are in the kitchen making dinner except for the new guy who is at work there is a sort of knock at the kitchen door. The ex opens it and it is a werewolf! A tiny weak looking one though, like it has not eaten a good meal in ages. it is mottled black with white patches instead of the normal dark brown werewolf of movies. He easily manages to wrestle it out the door and slams and locks it and they can see it running away through the kitchen window.
They discuss it among themselves and each calls someone to tell them too so it is a kind of funny conversation bits... a comedy routine where it sounds like one is answering the other but in nonsense ways like "what do you mean: was I scared?" and the ex says to whoever he is calling "ran off like a chicken" I dont remember the words though since I usually try to remember the scary bits only. So the new guy arrives home the next morning. Luckily for him he had just gotten to work when they called to check on him so do not suspect him. That next night it tries to break into the french doors but is not strong enough to force it open, he only manages to loosen it.
So they are not terrified but more annoyed like they would be about a mean dog running loose and wanting it caught quickly because it is knocking over the trashcans in the alley! The girl is trying to fix the french doors but somehow cant get them back onto the sliders right and is relieved her ex comes in the other door. He takes over trying to fix it while she begins making dinner for everyone. She actually sees the werewolf walking upright but with a dead dog in it's mouth. She looks to the side not wanting it to feel her staring. The front side of the house still has bushes since there in only the kitchen window on that side since it is at the edge of the industrial street. It is a sort of industrial neighborhood where kind of busy during day and quickly quiets down as the evening progresses and the local shops close by 8pm. She wonders how it can look like a werewolf during the day like this.
Then she realizes she is not afraid of it anymore, since it is nothing like the terrifying werewolves of legend. And then she realizes she can turn this to her advantage and become popular overnight on her blog. She begins imaging a series where she blogs her ex is the werewolf and plans to call the series 'My Werewolf Lover".
It was at this point I woke up annoyed at the dream. I was lying there quietly because I still have a fear of werewolves in case it was not 100% dream, you know, in case a real werewolf prowling around caused me to have a dream about one... I was also annoyed because my mind began conceiving blogs and videos planted of werewolf sightings (though I dont live in that kind of place she did in the dream) and how i would become a famous blogger/youtuber. I was confused because I dont really enjoy being in front of the camera like youtubing demands then realized I was still feeling her feelings.
It is kind of funny. I guess it could become like that vampire movie where she dates a werewolf?/ lol, but certainly not written by me. so, the scariest part of my werewolf dream was I was not terrified and do remember thinking as I was waking up that I "lost my touch and does silent scream" lol...
I did have some spaghetti for dinner and that always leaves me with some weird dreams!
In this dream I cant see myself or my female roommate who is always right behind me for some reason. I can see her her huge ex boyfriend who looks like he could be a marine or fitness instructor. They shared one room and her friend had the other but when they decided to break up her friend switched rooms with the ex.
He still cared about her so wanted to make sure a nice, decent guy moved in since the girl I was dreaming I was thought a guy was better protection then a dog. He had already tried out several guys who were nice to the girls but secretly talked bad about them to the guy not realizing he really cared about them. So he had now been living in the other room for 2 months and he was having a hard time since he had begun dating someone new and could not bring her home.
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Just a screenshot from Fallout 4 game to show industrial landscape... and this blog needed a pic so... :p |
The newest guy is the same height as the girls are and as skinny as them but it turns out he is decent and kind person. So the ex tells the girls he thinks this guy might be the one. This happens as the dream starts and you "just know" it the way dreams like that are. The guy is a very quiet sort, you can tell he thinks a lot but keeps them to himself. Our girl roommate kind of likes him so is always behind us whispering about him but too shy to say anything to him herself.
They wonder what he does since he just said he was a dishwasher around here. He looks sort of like that guy from Mr. Robot, slender type. In the way of dreams the first week passes quickly and they are thinking it will work out and her ex is making plans to move out. The place is a little blue house, raised maybe 3 steps up from the sidewalk so from the kitchen you look a bit down to the street. The main door leads directly to the kitchen on the street side and bathroom on the other side. The living room is long and narrow and the 2 bedrooms are long and wider then the living room. The other door is a french door type that leads to a tiny deck and down to the side street. It used to have lots of bushes but after a burglar scare she had them taken out and the new flowers are just beginning to flower prettily.
You can see that this dream is like a usual sort of werewolf one where it is calm so I was not worried about not being scared. One night what witnesses believe to be a real werewolf attacks a group of people walking home from a local bar. He kills 2 before they manage to drive him off. It is all over the paper the next morning. They are part of the newer "green" generation so dont have a tv so learn things by recycled newspaper still. No one hearing about it believes it was a "werewolf" since the group admits to being very drunk at the time. But 2 are dead as the "thing" tore out their hearts to eat.
So in the point in the dream (I somehow know when I am dreaming these scary ones to sort of record in my memory for when I wake up) I am mildly worried but not yet scared. That evening though as we are in the kitchen making dinner except for the new guy who is at work there is a sort of knock at the kitchen door. The ex opens it and it is a werewolf! A tiny weak looking one though, like it has not eaten a good meal in ages. it is mottled black with white patches instead of the normal dark brown werewolf of movies. He easily manages to wrestle it out the door and slams and locks it and they can see it running away through the kitchen window.
They discuss it among themselves and each calls someone to tell them too so it is a kind of funny conversation bits... a comedy routine where it sounds like one is answering the other but in nonsense ways like "what do you mean: was I scared?" and the ex says to whoever he is calling "ran off like a chicken" I dont remember the words though since I usually try to remember the scary bits only. So the new guy arrives home the next morning. Luckily for him he had just gotten to work when they called to check on him so do not suspect him. That next night it tries to break into the french doors but is not strong enough to force it open, he only manages to loosen it.
So they are not terrified but more annoyed like they would be about a mean dog running loose and wanting it caught quickly because it is knocking over the trashcans in the alley! The girl is trying to fix the french doors but somehow cant get them back onto the sliders right and is relieved her ex comes in the other door. He takes over trying to fix it while she begins making dinner for everyone. She actually sees the werewolf walking upright but with a dead dog in it's mouth. She looks to the side not wanting it to feel her staring. The front side of the house still has bushes since there in only the kitchen window on that side since it is at the edge of the industrial street. It is a sort of industrial neighborhood where kind of busy during day and quickly quiets down as the evening progresses and the local shops close by 8pm. She wonders how it can look like a werewolf during the day like this.
Then she realizes she is not afraid of it anymore, since it is nothing like the terrifying werewolves of legend. And then she realizes she can turn this to her advantage and become popular overnight on her blog. She begins imaging a series where she blogs her ex is the werewolf and plans to call the series 'My Werewolf Lover".
It was at this point I woke up annoyed at the dream. I was lying there quietly because I still have a fear of werewolves in case it was not 100% dream, you know, in case a real werewolf prowling around caused me to have a dream about one... I was also annoyed because my mind began conceiving blogs and videos planted of werewolf sightings (though I dont live in that kind of place she did in the dream) and how i would become a famous blogger/youtuber. I was confused because I dont really enjoy being in front of the camera like youtubing demands then realized I was still feeling her feelings.
It is kind of funny. I guess it could become like that vampire movie where she dates a werewolf?/ lol, but certainly not written by me. so, the scariest part of my werewolf dream was I was not terrified and do remember thinking as I was waking up that I "lost my touch and does silent scream" lol...
I did have some spaghetti for dinner and that always leaves me with some weird dreams!
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