Eurasier Puppy Wanted

I have decided I would love to have an eurasier puppy as my new companion!  I had wanted an Akita but then my daughter who lives with me decided she would like a dog as well, so we needed to find one like an akita but could have 2 of in the same house.

The AKC page about the breed makes it sound like an ideal dog for me. 

 This color is called "wolf grey"

But I think I want one more this coloing:

or more a combo of the mostly black with white:

I love this sort of face:
that shape reminds me of werewolf look and you know I plan on making a werewolf movie.  It would be cool to have a puppy that looks so pretty!

I have an application in with Edelweiss Eurasiers and hopefully get approved and they have the dark ones available!

I have that pic of the dark puppies as my desktop and hope I hear soon from her!  I think we are a good fit for 1 or 2!

It is a nice breed so if you are wondering ht kind of dog and want a companion one who is medium sized try these!  they had no puppies listed on the AKC site though, so I guess they do not breed them often...



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