Dark Matter Reboot needed!
Lol, I like the show but think it needs to be redone! It is a very good sci fi show but went "wrong" ~ lol, meaning I would have done it differently! I would place the reboot just after the first season, pretending the rest did not happen!
I would get rid of One and Six first off. One would be killed by the real Jase Corso and the crew would get their revenge and kill him. Since they think his base is destroyed it would become their secret hideaway, plus he has the stash of cash and stuff hidden so they have a source of income. So People coming to check will see the rubble and go away and they will have a safe hideaway that they try to stay away from to save it for emergencies.
Six would die nobly as it seems he wants to, saving his crew! He would learn he is really an undercover cop and not want to harm his crew when it comes right down to it. So at last minute when the GA gets there he realizes he makes a mistake and somehow destroys the shuttle coming to get them.
For Four, I would have him want his throne back but when he sneaks back to the palace and sees all the back stabbing and petty power plays he decides he does not want it after all. He helps clean up the people for his brother and gives him the throne honorably so there is not question his brother is the ruler. He gets his one friend out of jail to help guide his brother and I would make the crazy guard girl instead find honor in the younger brother after all so can support him.
So the android befriends a younger android who escaped and had been created as an entertainment one but wants to be taken seriously and learn skills so joins the crew to learn the basics. I would have her be from the Ishida palace even! She has the personality upgrade too and is a friend to the young Five and helps teach her more tech skills.
Three always remains and is loyal to Two but resists falling in love with her for fear it would make him lose his edge and be caught off guard. He confesses it to Sarah, who is now an android and a leader of the android rebellion. They agree it can become a secret weapon if needed as they will do whatever it takes to save the androids. He secretly funds an orphanage because of what happened to him and later on it becomes known and they need to race to save it...
Five becomes much better at the fighting with skills taught by Four and Two. She discovers she has a talent for spying as she can figure out bs faster then average and everyone thinks it is because her subconscious is full of their memories of piracy, thieving, etc. She still hates killing and is learning to deal with it. She discovers lots of stuff stowed around the ship they had forgotten about with bits and pieces of their old lives or stashed seeds from a raid, things like that to keep them afloat.
I would have Nyx stow away and join the crew that way, they are never jailed in this version. She is also part of the reason Four gives up his throne because he does not want to lose her. She is a valuable fighter to them.
I would have them do a mix of corporate stuff and save the poor stuff. When they need to run to the outer colonies for things to cool off for them they do a lot of "good works" to honor the memory of One. It also makes Five happy because she always has a bit of a problem with the killing part, but finds out she is a good spy. So we can have her go undercover at some place to find to the truth about it before deciding whether to take on the case.
I would build up the android rebellion slower, with the Raza allies. Sarah is an android now but stays with the lady dr. to help plan the rebellion since she is unique having an actual human mind. She realizes she has lost Three when she sees him rescue Two and even though he tries to hide it from her she understands it is his personality. They are friends and trust each other so can play up the enemy angle when needed to help the android rebellion... But it happens slowly, with the upgrades adding bits of code to be activated on "A Day to Remember", a joke to the crew having lost their memories ...
We can have them remember bits of their lives in dreams as they begin to take on more of the traits they had before. So each job pulled helps a bit of their memories, a good excuse to do them since they remain themselves but we get backstories.
With the alien invasion they learn how to cure the people by the stasis pod thing they had done with Three. They are working on a cure and the androids cant be infected so the Raza has a special chamber created to "fumigate" the crew when needed :p
I love the show a lot and hated how it went. It went too epic too fast and had no where to go. I think they find the blink drive but every so often get taken to the other dimension or into Time. It is how they are still the scary lizard people even though they are now different people from before. The tech they find helps keep their edge.
I hope it gets rebooted!! #DarkMatter #TVShows #reboot
I am ready to consult on scripts :[
I would get rid of One and Six first off. One would be killed by the real Jase Corso and the crew would get their revenge and kill him. Since they think his base is destroyed it would become their secret hideaway, plus he has the stash of cash and stuff hidden so they have a source of income. So People coming to check will see the rubble and go away and they will have a safe hideaway that they try to stay away from to save it for emergencies.
Six would die nobly as it seems he wants to, saving his crew! He would learn he is really an undercover cop and not want to harm his crew when it comes right down to it. So at last minute when the GA gets there he realizes he makes a mistake and somehow destroys the shuttle coming to get them.
For Four, I would have him want his throne back but when he sneaks back to the palace and sees all the back stabbing and petty power plays he decides he does not want it after all. He helps clean up the people for his brother and gives him the throne honorably so there is not question his brother is the ruler. He gets his one friend out of jail to help guide his brother and I would make the crazy guard girl instead find honor in the younger brother after all so can support him.
So the android befriends a younger android who escaped and had been created as an entertainment one but wants to be taken seriously and learn skills so joins the crew to learn the basics. I would have her be from the Ishida palace even! She has the personality upgrade too and is a friend to the young Five and helps teach her more tech skills.
Three always remains and is loyal to Two but resists falling in love with her for fear it would make him lose his edge and be caught off guard. He confesses it to Sarah, who is now an android and a leader of the android rebellion. They agree it can become a secret weapon if needed as they will do whatever it takes to save the androids. He secretly funds an orphanage because of what happened to him and later on it becomes known and they need to race to save it...
Five becomes much better at the fighting with skills taught by Four and Two. She discovers she has a talent for spying as she can figure out bs faster then average and everyone thinks it is because her subconscious is full of their memories of piracy, thieving, etc. She still hates killing and is learning to deal with it. She discovers lots of stuff stowed around the ship they had forgotten about with bits and pieces of their old lives or stashed seeds from a raid, things like that to keep them afloat.
I would have Nyx stow away and join the crew that way, they are never jailed in this version. She is also part of the reason Four gives up his throne because he does not want to lose her. She is a valuable fighter to them.
I would have them do a mix of corporate stuff and save the poor stuff. When they need to run to the outer colonies for things to cool off for them they do a lot of "good works" to honor the memory of One. It also makes Five happy because she always has a bit of a problem with the killing part, but finds out she is a good spy. So we can have her go undercover at some place to find to the truth about it before deciding whether to take on the case.
I would build up the android rebellion slower, with the Raza allies. Sarah is an android now but stays with the lady dr. to help plan the rebellion since she is unique having an actual human mind. She realizes she has lost Three when she sees him rescue Two and even though he tries to hide it from her she understands it is his personality. They are friends and trust each other so can play up the enemy angle when needed to help the android rebellion... But it happens slowly, with the upgrades adding bits of code to be activated on "A Day to Remember", a joke to the crew having lost their memories ...
We can have them remember bits of their lives in dreams as they begin to take on more of the traits they had before. So each job pulled helps a bit of their memories, a good excuse to do them since they remain themselves but we get backstories.
With the alien invasion they learn how to cure the people by the stasis pod thing they had done with Three. They are working on a cure and the androids cant be infected so the Raza has a special chamber created to "fumigate" the crew when needed :p
I love the show a lot and hated how it went. It went too epic too fast and had no where to go. I think they find the blink drive but every so often get taken to the other dimension or into Time. It is how they are still the scary lizard people even though they are now different people from before. The tech they find helps keep their edge.
I hope it gets rebooted!! #DarkMatter #TVShows #reboot
I am ready to consult on scripts :[
I like you reboot script. You have great eye for building story, characters and plot.