Starting off 2019 at full speed

 I have been busy behind the scenes and doing a quick update.

I hope to have the storyboards for S'Happens done soon and plan to get a team together just before I plan the shoot.  I am also turning what was going to be a sort of short series into a full fledged sequel now.  I think it will work better that way now that I have been getting several episodes completed.  It fits better as a movie now.

 Unreal engine
I am having a great time learning the Unreal engine, very new at it still.  I love the endless possibilities it has as I get better and better at the engine!  I am working on a sort of mini game to start of what I hope to be a major one later on.  It will be so great to learn this as it is so versatile and will help me in a lot of my projects!  I hope to create a game that has enough play time in it to interest people in the "real" version of it!  I think it will be so fun!

RPG Maker 
This one creates tile type games but the unreal engine can also do this so I might just go that route.  But I did get it to create a few games in the 2D style.  We got it because it is supposed to be easy to create and finish a game and we wanted to get one done to show the type of games we will be making and maybe get some funds  :p


A lot of the other projects are still active, the writing is off and on.  I love to write but my mind has been busy working on these game ideas.  The 2D one is more a sort of time management one then an adventure type one.  The one for the unreal engine is an adventure style one.  I wish it was easier, if we had gotten funding one would be done by now.  But maybe it is good it didn't happen since it sparked "S'Happens" and "Saltlikka" the rpgmaker game idea that were not a part of my Bride of Sorrows series...

I hope you are doing what you love and working toward your dreams!  So much crazy is happening in the world that we creative types need to help counter the crazy with interesting things!  


  1. I am all for nulling negativeness and stupidity on the internet with interesting creativity! : )


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