The European Portion...
In my Bride of Sorrows series, one portion of it is a tv series that is done by many groups at once following certain dates and events set by my show that the others spin off from...
I think it will be a fun sort of easy group thing to do, each culture(s) get to do their own story of it and show all in a good light with good and bad people in their culture, the One People idea...
This idea is our group of woman worldwide were supposed to prevent the disaster, but were scattered and separated by many forces so missed our chance and the world is in ruins. So now we (European group) are all older and all waking up and realizing we are now in dire need to find our girl we were meant to train. But the show introduces all of the main European ladies and sets up their own vibe apart from ours.
But I always pictured introducing that series with "Liv Tyler" sort of in a coma in our healing tent, sort of like a backstory that is never told in my series and finally waking up. She does not know what has happened to the world, only that she was on a mission to stop "us" because she was given wrong information. We are transporting her in a sort of magic craft that others can not see but we can see around us. She is waking up and is trying to understand where she is and what happened.

The #indigenous woman seem a bit divided about helping her with one clearly opposed to the idea and another one with mixed feelings but willing to help them get back on their feet at least. The girl can move around now that she is used to the ship and sees the world is changed a lot and on the brink of being changed forever. We just come to their secret area and the area is nearly destroyed except for a hidden bubble protecting the woman inside.
The Liv Tyler character (oh how i wish!!) sees her whole area destroyed and the magic bubble. The one indigenous lady who is opposed to helping cant help bragging that she is using her power to shield them but forgets the girl knows none of the current events and just says "I did this!" meaning the protection shield. She is proud because she went against her judgement to aid the ones doing the destroying. She is powerful enough to shield worlds away.
Understandably upset and angry at her home destroyed she (the Liv character) wants to fight with her and make her stop before realizing we were helping them and they did the destruction...
By this time they are landed and the doors are opening and the woman from this area are glad to see not only the Ladies but their friend they thought lost. The Liv Tyler character demands the indigenous woman stop right now and to her surprise the main indigenous lady smiles and says "finally! something we agree on" while the other indigenous lady is looking worried and saying "no, we shouldn't".
The barrier fades as the ship disappears and they are left unguarded and almost instantly they see shadows closing in from afar. The Liv Tyler character is upset at herself and yelling "wait, you cant leave us like this!" but no response and the group of men are nearly entering their area when the shields instantly power back up. That is the pilot episode :p
Things like the events and names are not decided yet since it can be flexible based on the culture the actresses we get are from. I picture the other 3 main woman as like these (which I know I cant get these fine actresses for my low budget tv series but how i picture them):
The lady in charge of this area: Gillian Anderson
I would love someone as instantly recognizable as her for the role. So we recognize her and feel familiar with her whether we like her acting or not. She feels incredibly guilty because she feels she failed everyone and wants to make up for it. She is the one deemed "wise" who everyone goes to in the area to find Truth. She is in charge of the ladies here, it is a very loose but dedicated group of woman who secretly (as you never heard of them before) protect the world.
Her main task is to help the ladies find the ones they are supposed to be training. She is very used to being in charge as her "day job" is running an electronics firm before the disaster that wiped out electricity, at least for now.
She has a group who are all "second in command" depending on who is around and all work well together.
This one is the sort of personality I want her to have: Olivia d'Abo

I loved her innocence in Conan and her grown up version as Nicole Wallis, she was awesome. I like that clever intelligent image for this character. She is both innocent and cunning, a mix that confuses people as they can not tell if or when she is telling the truth about stuff.
This next character is much like her: Billie Piper

She is adventurous, intelligent, resourceful and unpredictable. While she is very sexy, it is understated and just a natural part of her and not "used". She is often chosen to be the diplomatic one.
The area is a bit strange as it mixes "other" space and our world seamlessly while they are in this protected area. Others only see it is as a destroyed Costco size building with most of the roof and walls gone now. But the parking lot would be nature and defined like a parking lot is where you can tell where it ends easily. But the "Other" is space in another realm, where light and dark are one. There has a certain look but also mixes in the local culture too.
The main story would be them sort of regrouping and gathering the woman back together and finding the newest ones they were meant to already be training.
I see one as as "Emma Watson" type from the HP movies, intelligent, awkward, and resourceful and now a grown up.
I see one as the sort of Russian girl in Lost Girl, "Ksenia Solo", type of character. Cute and vulnerable looking but actually smart, resourceful and tough. Strange is normal to her.
The next set already know each other and work well together, I picture them sort of like the 2 ladies from Dark Matter: "Jodelle Ferland" (who played 5) and "Melissa O'Neil" (who played 2). We learn their back history over the series but it is more to show that our sisterhood is natural and forms on its own, even if we miss gathering them.
So these are more character "ideas" I see in my head as try to visualize how it will go. My main idea is we have the own groups decide scripts and local events while keeping the world real and other events known. The idea is that each season will encompass events from this point to this point as canon. So any group wanting to join can sort of choose when and how their group will go and we will know which season it belongs to. So season 1 can be filmed even years after we start as long as it follows the timeline.
One People but all so very different! It is the beauty of the world and should be embraced and this series does that. It also has back history from ages and ages ago that will be defined, and also other realms as well. Each group has their own private sort of spiritual place that is unique to them and only they can be there. They might all be similar but each is distinct so a symbol from one culture means (or might mean) something totally different if you see in from another culture.
There is communal space in the other realms proper area but they usually are too busy to do more then a quick "hi there, we so need to get together soon" kind of thing. So they all are vaguely familiar to each other in this world.
This idea was going around and around my head so I needed to write it down. Does that happen to you as well? An idea buzzes around annoyingly until you write it down, especially when you are trying to work on something else!
But the idea is the varying cultures can create their own show as long as it follows the guide set for when events happen. It takes pressure off as there will hopefully be enough participating that we can take time to film and edit without needing to rush. Or course I imagine the groups will be excited and trying to get it all filmed fast too! I imagine the different genres they will have too, maybe one mostly action, another drama, another a more day by day one... That is the beauty of this idea, I create the world but they People their portion!
I so need to get myself together and get funded. It is multi-media and huge but cohesive and a very interesting story (Bride of Sorrows I mean, though I am sure each spin off will be too)!
It has been another up all night writing thing, so sorry if it does not make as much sense as it does in my head :p I just needed to get it down so I can work on what I want! To the actresses on here, when trying to cast the show, these woman stood out as the ideal one for the role to me. I apologize if it seems I am trying to glom onto your talent! That is not my intention, I just loved you dearly in your other roles and always dreamed of having you in one of mine someday. You came to mind when I got this idea buzzing and needed to get it written down. I am a fan and if I could afford you, I would try to hire you but as of now, it is at the "low-to-no" budget stage... You are the tough woman I see in these parts as role models for others...
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