Pantry Shelf Day 2 or is it 3?
Lost track already of which day I am on... but I am enjoying the progress so far!
We first got the lumber weeks ago and the tools awhile ago too and it was me being afraid of trying something new I guess...
But watching Anna White really inspires me to just do it all that I think about! So, I finally decided to go for it. I had measured the area for the pantry shelves when I first got the lumber and again before I began cutting, but then the wasp thing happened...
Hehehe, so I took that rest of day off and began the next day fresh. I managed to get a bunch cut but then realized I was doing the wrong measurement!
Oh man, so my plans called for the shelf to be 4 planks deep and I had measured that so each of them would need to be 4' long and instead I made them the other measurement (the width not length)... but decided those will become the brace for my shelves and cut new ones yesterday and today!
Woot, felt good not feeling defeated by it. Before, I would have taken a week off to mend my ego but now I keep a positive mindset all the time! Makes a huge difference because I can lift myself back up before I get all the way to the ground now!
It is so important to learn yourself and know the kinds of things that effect you so you can learn how to fix it.
But back to my amazing pantry shelves! It is weird learning to use new tools that you think you already know just by watching others do it, whether your family or youtube but when you try it yourself it can be tricky.
My shelve measurements I used the carpenters square to draw the lines to make sure I was mostly level when the first screw went in. The first 5 screws went in pretty ok, but then the 6th one just did not want to go into it at all. I will try to figure out why but think it is just I need to pre-drill my holes. Simple and effective solution that I probably should have started with!
I did take a pic of the empty space but will save it for the big "reveal" post... though it wont be nearly as pretty as I plan it to be for a permanent one, this one is designed to be stand alone and while strong not glued so I can take it apart and redo it better when I learn more.
Just a quick update, progress is slow but steady! I think it will be done by tomorrow and how exciting my shelve spacers were done by accident when I did the wrong measurements :p So, none wasted!
Hugs and take care and do wish me luck!! And leaving you with a shot my Home: Attu, Alaska

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