Systematic Re-indinization


Systematic Indiginization

part 1 of 1,000,000,000,000,000

We must use their own ways against them. It sounds weird to teach your peoples to not think but to respond and react, but we will use this to our advantage. Just as they made it so everywhere one of the westerners looked, genocide was a nice and normal thing to be doing, we will make it “indiginized”.


Even their words for it “decolonization” puts them in the middle of it, as if they are a force to be reckoned with. Like “declutter” means you have much clutter in the first place, it is already there. But in our sense, they threw the clutter to create a huge mess for us and want us to pretend this is somehow natural and normal to do.  We call that "rudeness".   But we will be systematic in our approach and change the words to our own. Instead of “decolonize” we will systematically re-indiginize this half of the world. To help start us out I will give some examples of phrases we need to weed out of our consciousness and introduce these new ones.

It never was “colonization”, it was always the war crime of genocide. The riches of half a world made them loose their minds. They had discovered Africa and thought they struck it rich. Not only the resources but the Peoples to use. Then it was the far east with the spices and silks that made them bonkers and “want more”. So when they saw our lands and how well we had taken care of them it drove them insane and the curse of greed came upon them.

They knew it was wrong.

They knew it was wrong to genocide a Peoples, but had discovered already that leaving the other cultures alive meant you could not profit as much as they wanted to. When we are talking the vast wealth of half a world, they decided there was no need to share. So, their laws forbade genocide and the fix was to name it something else entirely. They tried to teach us to use these words. Convincing their own kind that we did not really mind the genocide.

See how they call it colonization instead of genocide” was their flawed logic. It was enough to give those who were on the verge of sanity the push they needed to go insane.

It is why we must use the correct words: genocide and war crimes.

Walk in Two Worlds

This is a popular phrase and a prime example of how they try to word things to their advantage. Just listen to the phrase: walk in two worlds. It sounds somehow both mystical and magical. It is a sham, though, like all of their ways. It is meant to give an elevated meaning to the genocide they do. As if somehow they are in as Just and Good a "world" as we are.

Yet is it patently false. There is no good in genocide. It plays upon the #indigenous sense of everything having some worth. That you must respect another Peoples cultures even if you do not agree with them. But this does not apply to illegal activities, of which, war crimes against humanity are the worst.

They want to teach us to walk in both worlds, somehow making those few of us who do it “twice” as good as the rest. It is the divide and conquer game they love so much. Where they puff one ego up and up until it is so far from common sense that it gets lightheaded and dizzy. That is where they try to keep them, off balance. They forget that we have an innate sense of balance, it is the center of our world view. It is why one rarely “walks in two worlds” for long.

Racial Diversity

This is one where they are so insidious and sneaky, but basically dishonest too. It takes another indigenous world view concept and twists it into something unrecognizable. Hospitality and acceptance of other races is a normal part of our world views. As with all cultures, we center on our own otherwise we fade away to nothing. The genocide forced their “culture” on to us and made us accept all these foreign races as if belonging with us.

We have such a huge variety of cultures already that we need no foreign introduction to have racial diversity! What they really mean is they want us to be “polite” and step aside and let them shine a moment as a good host should. Except we are not hosting them, we are genocidal captives, and they are not welcome guests but an invading force meant to destroy us; not honor our "home and Peoples". There is obviously a huge difference that for some reason they expect us to just ignore.

They tried to set the stage so carefully these last few decades. They knew we grew tired of #european genocide so came up with the plan to hide behind other races they already brainwashed into thinking they (the europeans) were superior in all ways. It is hard to argue that treating others badly is somehow ok, so we are forced into silence. Our voices saying we demand justice drowned out by others.

It is why everywhere you look they highlight Africans. Africans suffering this indignity, Africans suffering that injustice, how wrong they are treated. But they agreed to be treated that way temporarily to gain a major stake of the riches of this half of the world.

We must take these brainwashed Peoples and remind them who they truly are. They have their own cultures that are rich and beautiful and their own Peoples who need them desperately to come fight for them.  Indians were also a major part of this too, due to british brainwashing they pretended not to notice the genocide and see only opportunity. We must remind them they also have a rich and diverse land with Peoples who need them there fighting for them as well.

We must systematically re-indignize our understanding of them.  They tried to make it either/or as in accept the genocide or you "hate" these other races.  I do not need to explain how ridiculous this is, just reading it you can instinctively understand this.


It is very easy to fall into this trap they set. Most westerners have without even realizing it. It is how sneaky and tricky it was. But now that we have shown how it was done, it is like a child fascinated by a magic trick until they learn how it was done, it is that easy to dispel.

You may have noticed I put part ___ of ___ in the title. It is a play on how the indigenous say what needs to be said then stop and go do something else. There are no other parts, this was just meant to get you thinking in the correct ways...


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