
 I have begun to crochet again, most of our stuff is packed away since we plan to move very soon, but I have been working on some projects.

I havent got pics yet, but will upload them once I do!  been working on a cardigan and trying to get it done quickly!

arm warmers

I crocheted a cute blue/grey striped arm warmers that go up past the elbow for one daughter who gets cold working at her desk and wanted some crochet ones (she has felted ones already  :p  )

beach cover

this was more practicing different stitches then being a beach cover  :p  but I plan to use it in a film where she is wearing it and looking at herself in the mirror and whoever comes up and asks what she is doing, they need to go.  She says she loves it but needs a new one so will stop and get more yarn on the way home...just to throw it into a film  :p


I am making a cute cardigan for another daughter who lost one of her sweaters (may have gotten thrown into the donate box or packed away by mistake).  It is more colorful then I intended as I had planned it all the main color but then thought "why not" and threw in 1 stripe then a grey one then another  :p

hooded vest

the last one I am making is a sleeveless cardigan but has a hoodie, that is next.

I got some exciting crochet kits from a lady who does such gorgeous work!  I am applying for another individual artist award for crochet and hope I get it.  It will be so incredible to be able to afford the yarn to make the costumes for the films!  

I hope everyone is working toward their dreams, even if it seems like super slo mo and baby steps!!  Never give up!









  1. That's is so neat that you are so versatile at crocheting. You have so many projects! I can't wait to see the pictures! :D


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